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What’s saving me this winter

Writer's picture: tracywartmandesigntracywartmandesign

Image via @relxased

Oh winter, will you ever end? Right around this time of year I am itching for warmer weather, bare legs, and summer vacation, but I know that there is still an ample amount of days left to trudge through until that can happen. With this winter being a snow-free one, there has been little breaks in the weekly action to get us through, so when I read one of my favorite blogger’s post on what’s saving her this winter, I decided to make my own list.

While some items are not very exciting and may seem trivial on the surface, their intentions and meanings have really helped me to build my energy to remain positive on these very dreary days. Take a look…

Design projects. I love my projects…..from beginning to end, they make me happy, they challenge me, and they make our space look amazing. Right now our house is a hot mess and we are knee deep in the home office / front foyer remodel, and it is looking great. I can’t wait to share with you how it looks!

Date nights. Even if we are just relaxing at home watching our favorite shows, getting cozy on the couch with J is one of my favorite things to do. Period.

Planning getaways. My friend and I will be doing an overnight in NYC in March and we both can’t wait. We planned to (hopefully) hit some flea markets and vintage (depending on weather), trying out Rose Mansion-a wine tasting experience, and having a nice dinner. All things that we both love! Plus, J and I are looking into what we want to do as a couple this summer.

Working out. As they say, summer bodies are made in the winter. While this is certainly true, I started a new plan right after the holidays consisting of weights, cardio and a whole lot of food tracking. I have never felt better! My body doesn’t hurt from the pounding on the roads (it definitely took a toll from running), and I have so much energy. Most importantly, working out isn’t a chore anymore!

Podcasts. The last year I’ve really upped my podcast game, especially when I am on the treadmill. My absolute favorite is Lori Harder‘s “Earn Your Happy” show. So many of her episodes have hit home and resonated into many aspects of my life. I also like The Chalene Show by Chalene Johnson. She’s another one that has some really “hit you in the gut” messages.

Family dinners. Every week our clan tries to get together for one dinner. It’s easier on those weekends that we have the kids and usually Sundays are reserved for the meals, but on the weekends we don’t we try and have a designated weeknight dinner together. With five kids total, the number of practices and games gets a little hairy, so scheduling them can be tricky. But for the most part, those moments when we can sit down together are so special.

Lists in my journal. If you can see my notebook/journal that is always on me, you would most likely question it’s purpose. There are lists after lists. Grocery lists, puppy supply lists, party lists, etc. Anything I think of, need to remember, etc are in my simple notebook. Plus, everything is written in black ink because I’m quirky like that. 😉

Last, but not least….

Our future puppy!! I wrote a post last month about how we are looking for the perfect puppy to add to our family and I think we found him. Last week we made a special visit and when we did, I died and went to heaven. I am over the moon about him, where he is coming from, and how he will be the best addition to our unique clan. More about him to come, but the only problem is trying to decide on a name with 7 different opinions!

So, what’s getting YOU though the winter?

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