This week was a bit stressful as it was the first week of our state standardized testing and I’m so glad the weekend is here. I’m sad that J is away, but I have lots of things planned to keep me busy. Tonight I am taking my mom to happy hour at my favorite place and we may even go out after to hear a friend sing at a bar. Saturday I’m heading into NYC for the day with a friend and I’m excited for some girl time. Some places we plan on hitting up are the Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market and Alice’s Tea Room for lunch. On Sunday I have a much needed massage scheduled before my nephew’s birthday party.
Here are a few things that I’m loving and coveting lately….

I stocked up on a few accessories on a recent Home Good’s trip. The geode on this lid is so pretty, and the candle itself has a sweet spring scent that livens up the whole house. And since I have this thing with coffee table books, I couldn’t leave this one about rose behind.

A friend sent me this article the other day and it really hit home. It’s one that I have bookmarked and revisit when needed: 15 Things You Should Give Up In Order To Be Happy

This. I am in love with this whole master bath remodel, but mostly with this wall. Kristin was brilliant with her unexpected leaning wall of art and lingerie dresser on this side of the room. Check out the whole space here.

I’m not sure if all liquor stores carry this wine, but my PA state stores usually stock it in their Chairman’s Selection area. It’s a steal for under $10 and I usually have a bottle (or 2) on hand.

Finally, I thought these rocks were cute by One Giggle at a Time. Students can keep them on their desks as a reminder to “Rock the Test.” I was planning on making them for my crew until I found out that they would be frowned upon by the state.
Make it a great weekend! xo