I don’t know about you, but when it comes to planning and calendars I am a pen and paper kind of girl. Don’t get me wrong, the online apps are great, but for me, I like to see things written out. I currently keep a monthly calendar in my bag and carry it everywhere. It’s my Bible and I would be lost without it. On occasion, people make fun of me for not evolving with the calendar technology, but I don’t care.

Besides the calendar in my bag, I bought a new planner for this year. It’s just a planner from TJ Maxx that was under ten dollars, nothing fancy, but I think it will do the trick. I wanted one that would work twofold ~ blog content/planning and fitness tracking.
For me, there’s something so exciting about choosing a new planner! When searching, I always browse through a bunch in order to find the one that feels just right. I loved this one because it has tabs that divide the months. Then within each month’s section, it has both the month at a glance and the daily calendar divided by weeks. There is a page that is dedicated solely for that month’s goals and dates. There’s also weekly to do and planning pages.

I can’t wait to start filling in my blog content calendar and goals! The notes section is particularly useful for jotting down random thoughts or questions, as well as the things to remember section.
Old school runners ~ For years, I kept a running journal which logged my miles, types of workouts, how I felt, times, distances and races. Maybe some of you would remember the Runner’s World log? It was perfection for me. At the end of each year, I would browse through all the pages to see what I accomplished for those past 365 days. I would also keep a running tally of mileage for the year. Have you heard about runner’s high? That was a runner’s high in itself! Like I said, today they have apps for things like runner tracking, but back then, I loved it.
Takeaway Tip ~ If you can take away one tip from this post, it’s this: Use the weekly section of a planner for your workout diary. As you can see, I started logging my workout progress for the first week of January just like I did when I was younger. It included what workouts I did, times of day and how I felt. This way, I have everything all in one and it’s nice and simple. Note ~ You can also jot down info about the weather if you workout outside, calories burned/heart rate taken from your watch, as well as daily caloric intake.

In addition to becoming a healthier me, this is just another way that I am keeping track of my goals for the year. How are you holding yourself accountable and tracking your progress?