Call me crazy, but I’ve never been a Halloween fan. Yes, I played to role of room mom several years back and created spooky parties with food and crafts for the kiddos with my other mom friends. And yes, I do have fun dressing up with my team every year at school. But in the end, the plain pumpkin reigns over the Jack-o-lantern every time for me.
As a mom, I know that kids LOOOOVVVEEE to decorate for Halloween. Now that I think back, my daughter may have been a tad deprived from this whole spooky experience and I feel a little bad about that now. But the more I search, the more I find cute things to display for Halloween. To make sure decorations look chic and not tacky…I think simplicity is the key. Simple, understated props go a long way in keeping with a thoughtful, “pretty” home.
That said, I have been seeing some really cute, stylish Halloween decor around the web that definitely ups the haunt factor of any home. Here’s my round-up of 13 tasteful Halloween decor options that are available now:

****Featured Image courtesy of Grandin Road